Other people, content & ideas that may support your exploration
Books I recommend (work in progress)
Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of the Senses. Vintage, 1991.
Carrellas, Barbara. Ecstasy is Necessary. Hay House Inc, 2012.
Carrellas, Barbara. Urban Tantra. Random House US, 2017.
Easton, Dossie. The Ethical Slut. Random House US, 2017.
Morin, Jack. The Erotic Mind. Harper Collins, 1996.
Walker, Pete. Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving. Create Space, 2013.
Van Der Kalk, Bessel. The Body Keeps the Score. Penguin UK, 2015.
People I recommend
(work in progress)
Deej Juventin and Uma Ayelet Furman at ISS
The Institute of Somatic Sexology: https://instituteofsomaticsexology.com/
Betty Martin
Developer of the Wheel of Consent: https://bettymartin.org/
Michaela Boehm
Workshops on pleasure and intimacy: https://www.michaelaboehm.com/
Dan Siegel
Barbara Carellas