Your erotic world is welcome here.
Imagine a world where healthy relationships, communication,
sex, sexuality, exploration and freedom are priorities.
Let's make that happen.
embodiment - communication skills - pleasure & sensation orgasm choice - arousal & erectile challenges - porn challenges breathing techniques - genital massage - anal exploration
scar remediation - boundaries & consent - kink play
(ĕr′o tee-kyo͝o-rē′ən)
Devoted to the enabling of erotic pleasure, especially to the enjoyment of touch and connection.
Curating experiences for quality erotic engagement.
Educating people in the art of eroticism.
A devotee to sensuous and erotic living; an eroticure.
Professional hedonist.
Charlotte Ahrens
It took some deep reflection and inventiveness to find the perfect way to describe myself because (like most humans) I am multi-dimensional. I am an eroticurean. I'm also a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, an embodied counsellor, a sensory artist, a university graduate and life-long learner, a kinkster, a mother, a lover and a pleasure advocate. I love the natural world and I dislike small talk.
I believe pleasure and connection are at the core of being human.
I have delved deep into my own creative, therapeutic and professional process, forever curious about being human in this weird and wondrous world. Interactive sensory performance-making was my antidote to a life of disconnect and dissociation. I was a pioneer, forever chasing funding, failing my vision sometimes, winning awards others, and often changing people’s lives through unique, immersive arts experiences. I had a child and my priorities shifted. My desire for more fulfilling relationships and fully embodied connection inspired this path of deeper erotic exploration.
Through independent workshops, events, ravenous reading, therapy, online study and intensive practical courses I learnt about embodiment, play, communication, attention, negotiation, boundaries, presence and sensation and their role in erotic fulfilment. These tools have had a profound impact on every aspect of my life as well as transforming the quality of my erotic world and relationships.
I live, work and play on Wurundjeri land, in Melbourne, Australia. I identify as a cis-queer woman. I work with people of all cultural backgrounds, gender, sexual orientation, relationship style, age, capacity and ability.
Cultivating more attention on our embodied experiences invites us to feel more and live more congruently - physically, emotionally and intellectually.
The possibilities are yours to discover. You are welcome exactly as you are. You are at the centre of all the work we do. We work at your pace and under your instruction. When you feel safe, learning happens. When you feel curious, new experiences and skills can be explored and integrated, enabling ongoing change in everyday life.
Better sex begins by listening to your body. Better sex means healthier relationships – with ourselves and others. Better sex cultivates more contentment with life and that feeling of being 'fully alive'.
More pleasure is possible. Whatever ‘pleasure’ means to you.
The first step is connection...
I would like to acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation as the traditional custodians of the land I call home and on which I live, work and play. I pay my respects to Elders past and present. I wish to express my deepest sorrow for injustices suffered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and esteem to be part of a positive path to reconciliation.
I pay the rent. You can too: